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You’ve probably heard the term Feng Shui and thought it was something to do with energy or flow but never really put much thought into it. Maybe you thought it was ridiculous and not for you?

Let me break it down for you so that you can decide if it’s for you or not? Something tells me you’ll be using some of these principles after reading this blog post so, let’s get started. 



Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that dates back over 35 hundred years. Feng Shui has its roots in the Chinese way of seeing the Universe. The Universe is categorised into 5 basic elements.

Those elements are:


Each of these elements attract either positive of negative energy. This energy is called “chi” and chi brings good fortunate to those surrounded by it. 

The translation of Feng Shui is wind and water. Feng is wind and Shui is water. So, when you combine these two elements, they create really magical harmony and balance which you can then bring into your home.





Firstly, you want to use the five elements of energy and use them in any given space. The more you energise a specific element for a specific area in your home it’s going to create more “chi” meaning more harmony which will bring you more health and happiness.


Practising really good Feng Shui principles could also increase your energy level and help you stay healthy. Have you ever noticed that when your house is a mess or there’s clutter around you, you feel a little off balance and uncomfortable? That’s because your energy is reacting to the energy in your home.

Really great interior design and planning always follows basic principles of Feng Shui sometimes even without you realising it. Such as the way you position your sofa in relation to your television, the way you position your head in your bedroom also affects your health in so many ways it can be hard for people to believe and explain.





All of the energy and the good luck you have begins at your front door. This is where all of the great energy starts and how it flows throughout the rest of your home.

The first thing you have to do is eliminate all that clutter. This isn’t just for the front area it’s for the every space within your home. Get rid of ALL clutter. Now, is the time to do it not at the start of the New Year. You really want to set your house up now for all that good energy at least weeks, if not months, before you ring in 2023.

That means no shoes, keys, wallets on display even on top of a console by your entry. Everything needs a place and a place out of sight. Everything should be really tidy and really beautiful. 

Having a living plant at the entry of your door is a really great way to help Chi come in and flow throughout the rest of the space. 

Another key principle for your entry in Feng Shui is that when you open your front door there is not a direct line of sight to a back door. That would mean that the minute ‘chi’ enters your front door that it has a clear pathway to your back door and all of your good energy and good luck is going to flow right out the space before you get a chance to use it.

What if you live in a home that the front door can see directly to the back door? Well, luckily there are so many Feng Shui elements that you can place there so that the ‘chi’ has room to move around and flow through the rest of the house. Something like a plant, a sofa, a chair or accent table with a beautiful floral arrangement on top. Anything that can block ‘chi’ pathway to the direct back access so that the lovely energy can linger longer in your home.




Bathrooms are where good energy goes to die most of the time. In Feng Shui bathrooms are seen as not the best energy because it’s where you deposit waste and where you wash the day off yourself and where you clean all that grim and dirt you collected throughout the day.

Two of the most important things that you should always do in the bathroom are:

Firstly, always put your toilet seat down after every use. So that all of that bad energy and waste doesn’t come back up.

Secondly, always close your bathroom door. You should keep both these principles with you for life and train family and guests to do the same. This will dramatically increase the good energy in your home.




The living room is one of the most important spaces to get right in Feng Shui because it really symbolises where the whole family comes together. Here are a couple of guidelines for good Feng Shui in a living room.

The first is to bring as much natural light into the space as possible. Always have your curtains opened to bring in all that great natural light and good energy. Opening all the windows also allows all the stale energy that stagnates into the living room to dispel and the lets the new energy in.

Sometimes living spaces can be an odd shape or unusual in design in these cases remember you are trying to create rectangular or square furniture layouts. That means creating conversation areas. This can be done by facing sofas and chairs towards one another of creating groups of seating so that anyone using the space has direct eye contact with the other people in the room. Make sure your coffee table is the focal point for people to gather around and create great conversations.

Adding plants to this room will help to bring the outside in but keep them clean. Using a water wipe or warm soapy water to dust off the leaves. Dust is a big no, no. Why? Because dust equals bad ‘Chi”. Finally, make sure to keep your plants alive, watered and healthy because if they die your good luck will die along with them.  



There is so much more that goes into this beautiful practise but this blog post will help you on your way. Good luck and happy Feng Shui!

Be sure to check out our luxurious reclining sofas and chairs from one of our best sellers the BRAYAN. This contemporary sofa set brings you comfort and style all in one beautifully crafted style and perfect for setting up good FENG SHUI.



Posted by Patrick Sherlock
11th November 2023

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