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Who loves cleaning? Oh me, I just love spending hours in my day washing floors and cleaning out drawers. It’s my favourite pastime. NOT!

However, I do love the feeling you get when your house and your space is organised and tidy. So I guess it just has to get done but it did get me thinking and researching. You might be surprised to find out there are really good reasons behind cleaning your space. In particular, Spring Cleaning has a few health benefits but where did it all start? Let’s take a look.



Spring cleaning might feel like a new tradition but it actually dates back as far as the 19th century.

In Iranian Nowruz the practice of khaneh tekani "shaking the house" started and it still exists today. It consists of everything being cleaned from the curtains to all of the furniture. 

Spring cleaning also dates back to the ancient Jewish practice of thoroughly cleansing the home in anticipation of the springtime festival of Passover. Jews are expected to rid their homes of unnecessary items giving their house a spring clean.

Likewise there’s a tradition for the Catholic Church to clean the altar and any items surrounding it on Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday which is in spring.

In North America and northern Europe spring cleaning was a practical task for wet climates. In the 19th century, March was often the best time for dusting because it was getting warm enough to open windows and doors but not warm enough for insects to be a problem and the cool breeze would air out the house.

These traditions continued to be passed on down through the generations and modernised. This is why we still have the term and practise today of spring cleaning in March and April.



Apart from keeping your house organised and looking great there’s a lot to be said for your overall well-being and mental health when your space is clean and tidy.

When your space organised it can help to make you feel as though you can achieve anything. It starts you off on a good path for all the things you are hoping to achieve within the year.

As it’s nearly April, you might be thinking “ah well the years not going well. I haven’t stayed on track with my health goals or my work goals or just general life goals. So, what’s the point?” We can all fall off track from time to time but that doesn’t mean you should give up completely and except defeat.

Here's an analogy, say you bought a new car, it’s everything you ever wanted. Then unfortunately one day you reverse it into a pole in the shopping centre car park. Do you say “ah well it’s ruined now so I may as well total the car” then continue to keep driving forward and back into the pole? No you don’t, you’re upset but you move on and make an appointment to have it fixed in the garage.

The same can be said for your goals and for keeping your life on track. It’s not always going to work out the way you had hoped when you had hoped but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever get there you just have to keep at it.

So what, if your house is a mess, your life it a mess. It’s grand, don’t stress, you can start again. Start now by tidying up your own living environment and watch how that momentum flows throughout every area of your life for the better.



Generally, you can spring clean anytime the mood comes over you but tradition says March and April are the best spring cleaning months.

However, by today standards of cleanliness and with a pandemic still on the loose a deep clean should take place every three months.

It’s best to attack the task when you can clear out a solid day or two in your schedule to devote to it. Keep the weekend or a couple of days free and commit yourself to giving your home the attention care it deserves so it can care for you and your family.

Here are five reasons why clearing out your space is a really good idea.



Making the effort to declutter and organise your home or office can save you tons of time looking for or replacing lost items in the future. Experts say that this makes you more productive, while the cleaning process itself can increase energy levels. The general rule is just like the song, let go. If you haven't used something since last year, it might be time to say goodbye.



A good spring clean can help you avoid allergy symptoms. Removing allergens from the home can make you feel healthier, especially at a time when allergies are floating around and there’s still a pandemic.

Make the effort a family event and get everyone involved in moving big pieces of furniture, dusting and hovering up.



Did you know that taking the time to thoroughly clean and maintain a tidy home makes people happier? No, well it does and there’s plenty of studies to prove it. The act of cleaning provides a sense of satisfaction which in turn can put you in a good mood.

Rather than looking at it as something you have to do, think about it as something you’d like to do and know that you’ll feel amazing after it’s completed. The process doesn’t have to be boring you can enjoy it by putting on some of your favourite tunes while cleaning to make it more fun.



Have you ever heard the saying “A cluttered house, is a cluttered mind?” Making sure your space is clean and tidy really helps to not just keep your house in order but your life in order too. When your personal space is clean it helps you feel more joyful. An organised environment can help to relieve unnecessary stress by cleaning and organising items it lowers stress levels and this is considered to be therapeutic.

Make a list if all things you’d like to organise and get clean. Then be realistic about how long it going to take you. Take the whole month of April and break it down into weeks so that you don’t get overwhelmed.



If you give time to consistently clearing out the clutter once in a while you will find that it frees up space in your mind for more essential decision-making and creative endeavours. Cleaning helps to clear your mind by making it easier to see the things that need to be done. It clears focus for the more important things in life.


It’s best to concentrate on one room at a time to make sure you get the job done properly. Cleaning is easier if you think about it as smaller bite-sized individual exercises. For example take one room at a time and work your way around your house. 

We’re created a free Beechmount Furniture SPRING CLEAN TASK LIST for you to download and get started. Just click the PDF to the right. 

Also, if you’re looking to clear things out of sight here are a few furniture items you might like below.

LINK 1 : Coffee Table

LINK 2: Wide Side Board

As always, enjoy the process!

Beechmount Furniture Team




Posted by Patrick Sherlock
30th March 2023

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